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Knowledge : must serve to lead toward God
"The knowledge acquired from books provides us with building materials, with resources, so why not acquire it? But beware of the conclusions drawn by scholars and philosophers from all these materials they have had at their disposal. When they tell you after years of study and research that they have come to the conclusion that the universe is the work of chance, that there is no order in creation, that the soul and religion are inventions to be rejected, that life is absurd, that the earth is a battleground where each of us must fight tooth and nail not to be devoured by his neighbour, and so on… listen to them out of curiosity if you want, but do not let yourself be influenced by them. Over the centuries, how many times have the conclusions of scientists and philosophers changed! Why base your life on such unstable foundations? All the knowledge you can acquire must lead you toward God, toward an understanding of the meaning of life. Beware of all other conclusions. " Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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