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Invisible world : unconsciously, it is the realities of the Invisible world to which we attach the greatest importance
"A person who falls in love has no doubts about what he feels, even though he cannot see or touch his love, for it is something impalpable. Can someone who holds an opinion and has convictions see them or touch them? No, and yet sometimes he is willing to fight and die for them. And someone who says: ‘Upon my soul and conscience, I condemn this man’, passes a sentence heavy with consequences in the name of something that he too has never seen. Why does he suddenly attach such importance to this invisible soul and conscience? Without realising it, the whole world believes only in what is invisible and impalpable: everyone feels, loves, suffers, cries and celebrates for reasons that are invisible. And then they claim to believe only in what they can see and touch! What a contradiction!"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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