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Intelligence : improve it by improving one’s life-style
"Human intelligence is a manifestation of Cosmic Intelligence, but a very imperfect one; for in passing through minds and hearts which are continually prey to disordered passions, it is limited and obscured. Cosmic Intelligence cannot manifest perfectly through a being who does not know how to control his instincts; but the more this being learns to control and purify himself, the better channel he is for this Intelligence. The intelligence of a human being is not therefore uniquely the product of his studies and reflections; it also depends on the state of all the cells in his body. He must therefore oversee and protect their balance and harmony. He must pay careful attention to the quality of his physical food, but especially to the quality of his psychic food – his sensations, feelings, desires and thoughts, or he will remain closed to the greatest revelations. The only way to improve one’s intelligence is to improve one’s way of life. The initiates have always believed this; they have always known it and worked accordingly."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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