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Intellectual capacities : influenced by the condition of our cells
"Man’s intelligence depends on the state of the cells of all his organs – his liver, stomach, intestines, and so on. If these cells are not functioning properly, his ability to think and judge will be affected. No matter how much he reads and studies, all his thought processes will project the sombre tones and distortions caused by the malfunctioning of his organs. Even in the case of those we think of as great thinkers and philosophers, how many mistakes are caused by an insufficiency of cells in particular organs, which restricts mental activity! All such insufficiencies of the liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas and so on create a barrier in some part of the brain which cannot be crossed. How can we remedy these insufficiencies? By means of exercises. Yes, the exercises recommended by a spiritual teaching, if only those relating to breathing and nutrition, are aimed solely at improving the state of our cells, so that our understanding is broadened and improved. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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