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Inner states : are like places where we live and cause others to live
"Each psychic state you create within yourself at every moment of the day has consequences, first of all, of course, for you. If you strive to create paradise in yourself by your thoughts, feelings and desires, it is you first of all who will go and live there. Whatever the situation, you will experience yourself in paradise. Then, little by little, your parents, your friends, and all the others around you will also begin to sense that here there are springs flowing, birds singing and flowers embalming the atmosphere with their fragrance. They will say to each other: ‘Do you know this garden? What peace, what purity, what blessings! We must go and visit…’ And you will be enveloped in their joy and gratitude. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Holidays, Happiness, and the Dove




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