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Inner sanctuary : leave one’s worries at the door of one’s Inner sanctuary
"When they enter a mosque, Muslims take off their shoes and leave them at the door. Well, this is what you must do from to time to time with your worries: leave them outside and go within to converse with God, with the angels. You can take up your problems again when you leave, if you must! Some people give the impression that they cannot live without worry and torment. But they can rest assured, there will always be worry and grief for them; they will never lack for it. Why do they not forget them from time to time? Even if they complain about them, it seems that for them life must consist of trouble, conflicts and misunderstandings. Well, this is only a lower form of life, it is not true life. True life consists of putting all negativity to one side and entering your inner sanctuary to commune with beauty, purity and light." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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