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Inner acquisitions : to prioritise over external acquisitions
"Life is merely a series of exchanges between our inner and outer worlds, but we must always give priority to the inner world, because it is in this that we are continually plunged. Yes, you are not always looking at, listening to, touching or tasting something outside yourself, but you are always with yourself, with your thoughts, your feelings and your states of consciousness. Therefore, as long as you favour the outer world over the inner world, you are courting disappointment. For a moment, perhaps, you have the illusion of holding onto something, but a while later you hold nothing, because everything has eluded you. Human beings seek happiness, they seek true love and fulfilment, but they must know that it is first within themselves, by organising their inner world, that they will come to find them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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