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Initiation : a work of the memory
"Initiation is a work of remembering. The activity of a disciple in an initiatic school makes sense only if he begins by trying to remember the luminous world from which he descended and to which one day he must return. Thanks to the truths and good influences he receives, and with the help of the luminous entities in the invisible world, he rediscovers within himself traces of this lost paradise, which is for him the greatest blessing. But he also must remember all the suffering he has endured, and even all the mistakes he has made and the debts he has incurred, because one day he will have to seek out all those he has wronged; he will have to reconcile with them and make amends for these wrongs in order to pay off his karma. This is the task that awaits the disciple, the task that awaits all of us. Only those who manage to correct all the mistakes they have made and to repair all the wrong they have done are admitted permanently to the assembly of the children of God. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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The Path of Silence
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Sons and Daughters of God




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