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Initiatic knowledge : comparison with official knowledge
"We live on earth, but our true homeland is in heaven, in the divine world, and the knowledge we must acquire to live our earthly life and our heavenly life are obviously different. The official knowledge we receive in schools and universities provides us with material possibilities: a job, money and prestige. But this knowledge does not transform us, and we remain the same, with our uncertainties and our weaknesses. Initiatic knowledge, on the other hand, may not give us position or prestige, but it transforms us, and, in doing so, it gives us access to the divine world. Since human beings are more interested in what brings them material advantages, it is the official knowledge they seek. Unfortunately, this knowledge does not last. We cannot transport it to the other world and acquire it for only one incarnation. And what is one incarnation? A dream, a fleeting dream. Whereas the initiatic knowledge that transforms us and gives us the meaning of life is inscribed in us for eternity"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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