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Individual development : must serve the good of the collectivity
"In our personal life, each of us must prepare the conditions for the collective life, for the cosmic, universal life. Once we have begun to take care of our own development, we must ask ourselves how we can become a member of the collectivity and contribute to it with our abilities and talents. In adopting this attitude we lose nothing of what we have acquired. On the contrary, it is then that we become truly rich and powerful. Everywhere we hear about strength through unity. Why do we understand this only on the physical plane? It is the unity of men and women working for a universal brotherhood that creates strength, and, with this strength, they will be able to transform the world. The world will never be transformed as long as everyone is content to develop himself and grow rich in his own corner. All must unite in the unique goal of creating a formidable power for the realization of the Kingdom of God on earth. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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