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Incarnations : we carry the experiences of our previous ones
"Why is the existence of God so obvious to some people and not at all to others? The explanation is simple: at birth each human being comes to earth with the sum of experiences he has lived in his previous incarnations. What he has studied and verified in his previous lives is recorded in his soul and manifests in this life as an intuition of the divine world. If he now recognises the existence of his heavenly Father, it is because he has been with Him for a long time. He has communed with Him and has been left with such powerful imprints that he cannot doubt: he knows. Faith is therefore knowledge based on experience. Those who have experimented in the lower regions of their being in previous incarnations draw conclusions from those experiences which they obviously think is the truth. And those who have experimented in the higher realms of the soul and spirit also draw conclusions, but these are obviously different."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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