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Ignorance : is never an excuse
"How many people complain: ‘I seek the light. I pray every day, but God does not hear me. I have so many problems, I am unhappy and sick, and my life has no meaning.’ Whose fault is that? If you are struggling with so many problems, it means you have attracted them. ‘But this is not what I wanted, I did not know.’ Whether you knew or not, you have transgressed laws and are now suffering the consequences. Ignorance is never an excuse. If you do not respect the rules of the road, the police arrive and give you a ticket, and it is useless to say: ‘But, Officer, I did not know.’ He calmly continues to write the ticket and does not want to hear whether you knew or not because, as far as he is concerned, it is your duty to know. From now on, therefore, try to bring your behaviour into greater harmony with your spiritual aspirations. Since you no longer have the excuse of not knowing, when you fail to do so you will be doubly guilty and will suffer."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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