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Identification : how to understand this exercise
"To discover the presence of God within us, the best exercise is to seek to identify with Him. But to identify with the Lord does not mean persuading ourselves that we have succeeded in reaching Him, and from there, on high, declaring ourselves omniscient and all-powerful. Those who practise this exercise of identification must desire only to be permeated by the immensity of God, and to disappear in this immensity. When faced with other human beings, we often have to resist, to assert ourselves so that we are not destroyed. But when we efface ourselves before God, we strengthen ourselves and grow. The law of polarisation also operates in this realm: the great and the small attract each other. God, who is infinitely great, loves the infinitely small, so if you become small, God draws you to Him. This is humility which will enable you to become truly one with Him."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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The Laughter of a Sage
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Holidays, Happiness, and the Dove




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