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Idea : living entity which comes from the world of the spirit
"Do not think that an idea is something abstract. A divine idea is a creature, a living being which comes from the world of the spirit, and this living being carries out a work on you. As long as you take care of it, as long as you nourish it, this idea moulds you. It shapes you to the point that one day you will succeed in reflecting the sublime world in which it has its origin: the world of archetypes, where these creatures called ideas live. This is why, before accepting an idea, it is so important for you to be vigilant and lucid. Agree only to work for a divine idea, because this idea attracts to itself every means of shaping and improving you, and one day you will become a citizen of this world of ideas. It is through these ideas that you form links with the higher world, because they are like bees which bring you the best of everything." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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