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How we consider : the importance of How we consider beings and things
"We only achieve that which we have already envisioned and prepared in our minds. This is a matter worthy of deep reflection. The way in which we consider people and things is what counts and what is effective, and we can verify this in every domain of life. For example, if you see the person you share your life with as someone who makes it possible for you to arrange your material affairs, to satisfy your vanity, and to unleash your sensuality and desires for pleasure, you are linking yourself to the lower forces of the astral plane, and you should not be surprised if, one day, you see all your dreams of happiness collapse. On the other hand, if you are in the habit of considering this person as a manifestation of the Divinity, then through him or through her you will become linked to heavenly powers. You will receive great blessings and will be filled with joy."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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