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High ideal : the only means of overcoming our weaknesses
"Would you like to correct certain weaknesses in yourself and master some of your instinctive tendencies? You will succeed in doing so only if you develop the love of a high ideal. What is a high ideal? It is an aspiration to beauty, to that spiritual beauty made up of purity, light and harmony. In contemplating this beauty, you naturally and spontaneously disengage from all that is unhealthy, dark and chaotic. This love of beauty protects you, like a garment which you don’t want to soil. When you wear clothes that are new or special to you, you avoid activities in which they might be torn or stained. Instinctively you pay attention to your gestures and to where you sit. Well, there you are: if you decide to cultivate in yourself a taste for the world of beauty, and the desire to come closer to it, you will sense, little by little, that a kind of subtle garment is being woven around you that you will want to protect. In doing so, you yourself will be protected. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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