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Heredity : is possibility of escaping it through the omnipotence of the spirit
"The formation of a child’s body in the mother’s womb is not a purely physiological process. In forming its physical body, the soul of the child calls to itself its large and invisible family in the beyond to help in this construction. From all directions, not only grandparents and great-grandparents, but even very distant ancestors arrive and set to work. A child’s body, then, is a reflection, a synthesis of generations of beings going back centuries and millennia, and this is why it is conditioned by atavism, by a heredity which can either be healthy or unhealthy. Under this weight of the generations, it is very difficult to escape the heredity and influence of one’s family. Only the disciple of an initiatic school, who is instructed in the omnipotence of spirit over matter, can gradually free himself from the burden of heredity."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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