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Heliocentric point of view : adopt it to find truth
"The conclusions we draw about people and events depend on our point of view. From the geocentric point of view, we observe that the sun rises, sets and turns around the earth. But this is only true in appearance, and in the same way, those who habitually draw their conclusions from appearances are also mistaken. Their science and philosophy are erroneous and based on an identical illusion: that the sun turns around the earth. Whereas those who adopt a heliocentric point of view, who know how to place themselves in the sun in order to see everything from its vantage point, see the truth. You will say: ‘We all know it is the earth that turns around the sun!’ Yes, theoretically, but in practice you act as if the opposite were true! This is why I repeat: ‘Work each day to find the sun within you, to find the divine aspect of yourself. Live, look and act from this place, and you will live in truth.’"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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