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Hate : do not use God to justify your Hate for men
"To maintain equilibrium in His creation, the Creator has seen to it that all creatures have whatever they need to survive. Therefore, when human beings attack and destroy one another, they are working against the Creator. The differences God has created in them must not be used as a pretext for fighting one another. And no-one has the right to use God to justify his hatred for a certain race or people, or his desire to enslave a social class. All living beings were born of God, and God suffers when he sees them tearing each other apart. Human beings have adopted a philosophy of separateness on behalf of interests they claim to be superior, but which in fact are only inspired by their egotism. Because the defence of these interests goes against the interests of all creation, it will be their downfall. Yes, the true interests of humanity and those of the Divinity are one and the same, and only when they unite will blessings be generated for all. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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