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Greatness : only comes from God
"Someone who has too much faith in himself provokes others: he makes enemies and has to spend his time confronting them and settling scores. He should call himself into question a little and say: ‘Since I am not especially wise, nor particularly virtuous, nor very gifted, I will put my trust in him who is omniscient, all-loving and all-powerful.’ Thanks to his misgivings about himself and to his faith in God, he allows the Lord to enter into him. He allows the Lord to manifest through him, and wherever he goes he is a force for peace and harmony. It is when you humble yourself before God that he expresses himself through you and you obtain true power, spiritual power. Your salvation lies in the awareness that you are almost nothing by yourself, that your greatness comes from God alone. You may ‘believe in yourself’, but only if, through ‘yourself’, you believe in God. It is he alone who merits our faith."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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