1999- echo date("Y"); ?> Prosveta
Gratitude : address one’s Gratitude to the Lord and not demands
" To listen to human beings, you would think they have nothing but complaints to address to God: He does not answer their prayers, He abandons them in their trials, He allows their enemies to triumph. Obviously, they themselves deserve every joy and success, and they do not understand why God does not give it to them. They forget that every day He enables them to hear, to see, to breathe, to walk, to feel and to think. What ingratitude! Instead of harassing the Lord with all these demands and constant complaints, they ought to reflect on the enormous debt they owe Him. Otherwise they will lose everything. If they do not appreciate their health, they will fall ill. If they are not grateful for having a mind, eyes and ears, they will become stupid, blind and deaf. And when they have lost just one of these riches, they will begin to understand what it is worth." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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