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Goodness : one of the highest forms of intelligence
"Goodness has a great deal to do with the will. Those who are good are always motivated to show this goodness through their actions. They devote themselves to supporting others: they come to their aid and at times even shake them up to draw them out of their difficulties. Sometimes a gruff demeanour hides a very good heart. But while goodness manifests itself by means of actions, it is something more than this. It requires several incarnations for human beings to truly succeed in developing this virtue which, in fact, represents one of the highest forms of intelligence. It is often said that those who are good are a little stupid, but what a mistake! Those who devote their minds, their time and their energies to helping others are the most intelligent. To forget oneself in order to serve others is true intelligence. " Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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