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Good : someone who desires Good must ask himself about the nature of this Good
"Someone says:‘I want to do good. I have asked God to point me in the right direction, but I always end up where I should not be. Why does He allow me to stray?’ It is God’s fault, of course, not his own! But has this magnificent being who desires to do good asked himself what he really wants? He wants a good which is easy to achieve, a good which does not upset his personal plans, which does not oppose his need for comfort, pleasure, wealth, power and glory. So what can God do? He allows him to live his life and do what he wants. The person who truly has a high ideal of justice, goodness and generosity receives inner signs of the path to follow. And even if he does not take the right direction in the beginning, he will be urged to stop in time to turn back. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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