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God : to taste his presence is more convincing than all explanations
"Only your ability to transform yourself can give you proof of God’s presence within you, and thus proof of his existence. You will say this question was never presented to you in this way, and what is more, that the pastors’ and priests’ explanations of the Divinity were so superficial, childish and even ridiculous that they prevented you from finding faith or keeping it. But who compelled you to accept these explanations? Why would you deprive yourself of something essential to your existence, just because others didn’t know how to talk to you about God? Why do human beings need to be told of this presence within them and within all beings. Why must they be told of this something, this someone infinitely vast, luminous, beautiful, strong and full of love who provides the foundation and direction of their life and with whom they must therefore maintain contact? Are they incapable of discovering this on their own?" Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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