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God : that he is invisible does not prove he does not exist
"So many people see themselves as discerning, intelligent and reasonable when they say: ‘I believe only what I can see. If God exists, all he only has to show himself!’ But how can they present this as an argument? To claim we cannot believe in God because we cannot see him is not a valid position. If we could see him, there would be no need to believe. Do we say we believe in the existence of our parents, our friends, or the people around us? No, we see them, and this is sufficient. The object of faith is the invisible world, not the visible world. But all these so-called ‘reasonable’ people do not take their reasoning this far. They are content to know they will always find others as ‘reasonable’ as they are, others who will approve of them and make fun of all these naïve and feeble minds who claim to believe in God. In reality, they will have the approval of the ignorant, but not of the initiates." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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