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God : unique source of life, feeds also infernal creatures
"God is the only source of life. He has created everything, and nothing and no one can exist outside Him. Every living being lives the life of God. So you must accept the idea that even those beings we call demons have also received life from Him. They are alive, we cannot deny it; and, since God does not take life away from them, it means that He accepts their existence. If the dark entities have not received their life from God, who has given it to them? Could they have created it themselves? Or could they have received it from another Creator? The light, love and patience of God nourishes all creatures. Obviously, those who do not remain close to Him are deprived of His benedictions. But it is they who deprive themselves of these blessings, it is not God who has withdrawn them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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