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Fruits of the Tree of Life : are the virtues of the zodiacal constellations
"In the Book of Genesis, when Moses speaks of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, he is obviously referring to a symbol. This Tree of Life represents our universe, and the fruits of this tree are the qualities and virtues of the constellations of the Zodiac. They are, in order: Aries, activity; Taurus, sensitivity and kindness; Gemini, the taste for study; Cancer, the perception of the invisible world; Leo, nobility and courage; Virgo, purity; Libra, the meaning of cosmic balance; Scorpio, the understanding of life and death; Sagittarius, the link with Heaven; Capricorn, self-mastery; Aquarius, brotherhood and universality; Pisces, sacrifice. These are the qualities of the fruits of the Tree of Life that God gave Adam and Eve as food, and it is with these fruits that we too must nourish ourselves."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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