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Freedom : we gain it only be respecting divine laws
"So many people are convinced they will find fulfilment only if they are able to do what they want! And in order to do so, they are ready to break all the rules – all the ‘taboos’, as they call them – because they want to be free. And what is this freedom? The freedom to do foolish things, to bind themselves hand and foot, to become ill, and even to destroy themselves, for when we separate ourselves from light, wisdom and reason, it is inevitable that we will suffer and eventually become physically ill. Yes, because illness is nothing other than the manifestation in the physical realm of disorders we have allowed to take hold in the psychic realm. The desire to overturn prejudices and the rules of a narrow morality in order eventually to be oneself is not a bad thing, quite the contrary. But we must know that beyond the laws of human morality lie eternal laws which were established by Cosmic Intelligence. Like it or not, when we transgress these laws, we pay for it through physical or psychic suffering, or both."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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