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Forces of evil : always awaken the rise of forces of good
"Even if human beings object to evil and desire good, they are far more convinced of the power of evil than of good. Experience has shown them, they say, that those who want to destroy others and create disorder succeed more readily and more quickly than those who want to be helpful and redress a situation. If this is the case, why should they make so much effort? And they become discouraged, they do not react, or they are even influenced to behave badly themselves. But there is one question that they have not asked themselves: this success that evil has achieved, how long will it last? Yes, in order to draw truly valid conclusions, we must introduce the factor of time: how long will these successes endure? Because the moment evil is set in motion, the forces of good rise up to re-establish order."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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