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Flame : strengthen it in oneself until it becomes a blaze
"A divine aspiration, a flame, dwells in all of you and, although it may be weak, you have the power to feed it so that it becomes an enormous blaze. When you begin to feel this flame burning within you, take care not to expose it to every passing breeze that could extinguish it. In other words, carefully choose the people you frequent, the literature you read, and the entertainment you watch. Choose nourishment which is good for your heart, your mind and your spirit – nourishment which strengthens you inwardly. When you have become truly strong, you will be able to confront anything; the same conditions or encounters that would have destroyed you before will now enhance your light and your peace. When a flame has been given sufficient fuel to become a blaze, the wind can no longer extinguish it. On the contrary, it can only fuel it."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Under the Dove, the Reign of Peace - 2nd edition




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