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Fire and air : represented in us by love and wisdom
"In order to work with fire, you must also understand air, because air and fire are complementary: air is always moving and tempers fire; it has a regulating influence on it. These relationships between fire and air are also found in our psychic life. We are travellers journeying through space and, in order to fulfil our destiny, we need fire and air, or heat and cold. We have fire within us: we come into the world carrying our stove and its fuel inside us, so that we can heat ourselves from within. Because it is cold outside and the journey is long, we must keep the inner fire burning. As for the cold, it comes from without: it is air which enables us to adjust the temperature. It can be said that fire is love and air is wisdom. Love is within us, whereas wisdom is outside us so that we can study it, contemplate it, and use it to regulate our inner fire. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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