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Fire : know how to kindle it in ourselves as well
"Even though today’s technical advances have considerably reduced the use of wood for heating and cooking, you all know how to light a fire. First you put down a little paper, on top of which you place some dry twigs. And on top of this, you add some larger pieces of wood. Finally, you strike a match and set fire to the paper. The paper sets fire to the twigs, and the twigs set fire to the logs. Let us now consider the human being with his different bodies: physical, astral, mental and causal. The flame of the match corresponds to the causal plane, the world of the spirit, which is the source of all phenomena. The match sets fire to the paper (the mental plane, the intellect), which sets fire to the twigs (the astral plane, the heart) which in turn sets fire to the logs (the physical plane). Everything begins on high with the spirit, and then, from body to body, the fire finally reaches the physical plane. No true realization is possible on the physical plane unless you began by working with the spirit which, from its place on high, provides the impetus."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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