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Field of consciousness : broadens when we contemplate immensity
"For most human beings, everyday life is made up of turmoil, complaints, struggles and bitterness. Why? Because their field of consciousness is so narrow and limited that nothing seems more important to them than their anxieties, their ambitions, their love affairs and their quarrels. They do not see the immensity of the sky above them, all this infinite space. If they decided to raise their sights, they would tear themselves free of these limitations, and they would begin to breathe. Yes, it is only a question of the direction in which you are looking. Those who think of infinity and eternity begin to feel that they soar above everything, that nothing can touch them anymore – no misfortune, no insult, no loss – because a new consciousness is beginning to awaken within them."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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