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Fear : is conquered by light
"It goes without saying that life is a long road with surprises and dangers in store for us, but this is no reason to live in constant fear. According to a certain law, the more we fear something, the more we attract it. Thus, if you want to avoid being brought down by some misfortune, don’t live in fear of it! Of course, you must reflect, take precautions and, most importantly, reinforce yourself, but do not let fear take hold in you. So many people are at the mercy of their anxieties, without realizing that these come from a lack of understanding, a lack of light. The proof: when you are in a dark place, you aren’t at ease until the moment you turn on the light. From this phenomenon you can draw conclusions in the psychic realms. Darkness, that is to say ignorance, subjects you to every danger, and this is why you are afraid. But if you project light, or in other words, if you arm yourself with the truths necessary to face the circumstances, your fear will disappear."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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