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Fear : the only legitimate Fear is that of transgressing the divine order
"Obviously each day presents us with worrying matters. But even when you find yourself in great difficulty, in a dangerous situation, try not to be troubled. React by linking yourself to Divine Providence and asking It to send you light. Thanks to this light, you will be able to see more clearly and to establish calm in your heart and mind. It is by this means alone that you will find positive solutions. All the dangers and obstacles placed before the human soul can be summarized in two words – fear and darkness – and you must do everything possible to conquer them. There is only one legitimate and acceptable fear that we may tolerate in ourselves, and that is the fear of upsetting the divine order. Anyone who is afraid of poverty, failure, public opinion, or dying from an illness or accident is not yet a disciple. The disciple has one fear only, that of transgressing divine laws."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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