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Fate : determined by our attitude to the divine world
"Human beings do not seem to be aware that their attitude toward the divine world determines their destiny. Instead of bowing before the grandeur of God and glorifying Him, they are adopting increasingly careless and disrespectful behaviours which thwart His plans and introduce chaos in His creation. Man’s worst enemy is pride; it is this self-important and arrogant attitude which leads him to his downfall. If he wants to save himself, he must learn to regard creation as sacred, to vibrate like the Aeolian harp with each breath of wind, with each current from heaven, to commune with the universe, with the Universal Soul and with the Cosmic Spirit. During this exchange, energies from the higher world work on him: elements of the greatest purity flow into his soul, while the dark elements leave and are absorbed in immensity."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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