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Faith : based on the knowledge of laws
"Many people are convinced that faith is only for people who are uncultivated, naive or backward, and that these so-called irrational beliefs will be abandoned as humanity evolves. Well, they are mistaken: faith, on the contrary, is based on the knowledge of great universal laws. And is there a science more essential than the science of laws?
To have faith means to build your life on solid foundations, based on your knowledge of the laws. Those who have faith feel that they are advancing on a well-trodden path. They themselves choose this path and decide to follow it because they know about the law of cause and effect: they will be able to harvest only what they have sown. And while they are busy building something solid and beautiful, they have no time for all the useless and negative talk and activity around them. Their attention is focused on the work they have undertaken. And when difficulties arise in their lives, this work will have made them stronger and will help them prevail." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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