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Face : bears the reflection of what we seek in others
"So many people enjoy delving into the lives of others in order to find a few hidden faults which they can talk about wherever they go. Their faces belie doubt and distrust, and their suspicious glances see dishonesty and betrayal even where there are none. Tell me, what is the point of this behaviour? Not only do these people sow discord, but they become so disagreeable! With their sombre expressions, they themselves begin to look like criminals. Yes, that is what is extraordinary: those who are so distrustful and who imagine themselves models of justice and honesty finally manifest on their own faces traces of the defects and vices they are so busy detecting in others. On the other hand, look at the face of those who seek to discover people’s hidden qualities and virtues: gradually, they come to reflect the light of divine splendour."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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