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Experiences : happy or unhappy serve our evolution
"There are those who insist on remaining gullible, no matter how many deceptions they have experienced. They realize they have been deceived, but they seem to forget and once again allow themselves to be taken in. Why? Apparently their experience has taught them nothing: it is as if there were no continuity in their psychic life, as if their lessons had no bearing on the future. After each unhappy adventure, they wail and cry, swearing they will never again be fooled. But since these situations never present themselves in the same way, they are not on their guard: they believe it will be different the next time, that at last they will find what they are after, and they are taken in once again. And there are others who, having been deceived only once, decide never to trust anyone again, which is no better! What can we say? Only this: that no matter who they are or what their degree of inner evolution, it is the task of all human beings to use their experiences to instruct and perfect themselves."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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The Two Trees of Paradise




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