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Experiences : are necessary before pronouncing oneself
"Certain people have sometimes reproached me for the non-scientific and even anti-scientific character of my teaching. Well, they are mistaken, because nothing is more scientific than what I tell you every day, and nothing is more effective. But this is a different science, and one that surpasses all the others. You do not believe me? Well, I am not asking that you believe me, but that you conduct some experiments. Let those who claim to be scientific at least conduct themselves in a scientific manner, which means they should first carry out some studies and then state their findings. A scientist does not begin with certainties; he lays out his hypotheses and his experiments, allowing whatever time is necessary for the conclusions to be drawn. If you are content to declare you do not believe me without having carried out any experiments, how should we classify you?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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