1999- echo date("Y"); ?> Prosveta
Expectations : not to hold grudges against others when they do not meet our Expectations
"For most people, the slightest annoyance sets off an entire mechanism within them. They take any opportunity to mull over their thoughts and feelings of irritation, anger and resentment. They interpret everything others do in terms of their own desires and expectations, and others beware if they do not meet these expectations! Not only do they hold grudges against others, but they attribute all kinds of malevolent intentions to them. They do not ask themselves whether these people are busy or held up elsewhere, whether they have problems or are ill, or whether their behaviour might not be justified by their current situation. No. Why should they ask themselves such questions? They prefer to interpret their behaviour as personal affronts. But when will human beings realise that it is not others who are in the wrong, but they themselves, because they listen to their neurotic lower nature which feeds on false ideas and mistaken beliefs?" Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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