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Existence of God : we can doubt the Existence of God but not the existence of the laws
"Even if the word ‘God’ does not mean much to our contemporaries, advances in scientific and technological knowledge oblige them to admit that the entire universe is governed by laws. They can thus comprehend that a Cosmic Intelligence exists which has established these laws, and that these same laws also govern human beings – their physical lives as well as their psychic lives. One of these laws is that everything a person experiences is recorded within him, in his physical as well as his psychic organism. Yes, whether they are positive or negative, his thoughts, feelings, desires and actions are recorded in the substance of his being. Therefore, everything he does that is harmful ultimately manifests in him as a hindrance, a limitation, and everything he does that is good enhances his immense potential to flourish. This is what human beings must now come to understand, otherwise neither the Church, nor the Bible, nor any other sacred books will be able to make them wise. Human beings must discover within themselves the reasons to respect divine laws; it is within themselves that they must discover the divine plan. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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