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Evolution : learn to distinguish the essential from the incidental
"The widest disparity exists between human beings, and yet all of them, no matter how vulgar and materialistic, have been created in the same workshops as the greatest geniuses and the greatest initiates, The only difference is that the time has not yet come for them to manifest the same great talents and virtues. But one day their time will come as well. They will realize that activities and material goods are necessary only as a support, a receptacle, an envelope which sustains, shelters and contains the life of the spirit – its light, its immensity, its eternity. They will understand that what they considered to be essential was in fact only an envelope, a shell, and as a result, the way they look at things will change. Yes, simply the way they look at things: they will no longer look at the container, the receptacles; they will take an interest in the contents, and for them this will be the beginning of the true life." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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