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Evil : put it in service to good
"If we live in the sun, we will never experience darkness. But, symbolically, we left the sun and descended to earth and, because the earth turns around the sun, we are alternately in shadow and in light. As long as we remain outside the sun, we must accept this alternation: day and night, light and dark, activity and rest, good and evil. Not only must we accept it, but we must also know how to make use of it. For example, how do you make use of the night? It is wonderful: you sleep, you do nothing and, in the morning when you wake up, you have regained all your energy, you have rid yourself of wastes, and you are once again ready to work. Why then do you not learn to make use of your suffering and your obstacles? To make use of suffering, you must integrate it, that is to say you must incorporate it as raw material in your activities. As in chemistry, in which no substance, even the most toxic, is rejected, everything can be used for the good if we know how to proceed. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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