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Errors : cosmic Intelligence allows us the time to repair them
"Because the consequences of their thinking and behaviour are not immediate, human beings rarely notice what has caused their misfortune. When they succumb to inner disorder or behave disgracefully, it is rare that a catastrophe befalls them at once; they feel no different, and sometimes they even feel better than before. Why has Cosmic Intelligence arranged things in this way? In order to give human beings the time and the opportunity to correct themselves and to become wiser. Instead of allowing the law of cause and effect to come into play immediately, Cosmic Intelligence in its wisdom and love grants us credit; it gives us time to reflect and rectify things. If you transgress certain rules of society, if you do not declare your exact revenue to the taxman, for example, the Tax Office will ask for your accounts a few months or a few years later. And while awaiting its decision, you will still have time to rectify your mistakes. The same thing applies to the inner life: this opportunity given to human beings to make amends, to correct themselves, is an aspect of divine wisdom and divine love."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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