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Doubt : its usefulness
"So many people come to me complaining: ’Why am I in this situation? How can I get out of it?’ To some of them I have said: ‘The reason is very simple: you have too much faith.’ And when they look at me in amazement I explain: ‘You have too much faith in your intelligence, in your reasoning and calculations, and this is why you are lost.’ Yes, if people would question themselves a little more, they would show greater discernment and would avoid getting into impossible situations. In order to succeed we need confidence, but sometimes it is also good to question ourselves."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Izvor Collection
Man's Two Natures, Human and Divine
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The Symbolic Language of Geometrical Figures
Complete Works
The Giant "Put Master Omraam to Work" Sharing Special




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