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Doubt : an obstacle to action
"So many people foster in themselves a perpetual state of indecisiveness! When someone says: ‘No, I do not believe that’, he at least demonstrates a kind of conviction. But if you are never sure of anything, you continually allow yourself to be tossed this way and that. One day you go in one direction, the next day in another and, when the moment comes to act, you always call the venture into question: ‘Is it right for me to become involved? Should I not be doing something else?’ It is deplorable! We can ask ourselves questions, we can hesitate; yes, it is even very useful to do so, but this must not go on for an entire lifetime. There comes a moment when we must acquire certainty, make a decision, and act on it. Doubt disperses our energies and troubles our thoughts and feelings. And once our thoughts and feelings are troubled, our will becomes weak, and it is impossible to produce the efforts necessary for action."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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