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Divinity : a spiritual master works for the Divinity which lives in each being
"If I did not believe that you were inhabited by the Divinity, that you are divinities, I perhaps would have become discouraged and abandoned everything long ago. It is for the Divinity that dwells within you that I continue, and that I adopt towards certain people an attitude for which others, who are well intentioned, reproach me. They say: ‘But why do you not see this person as he really is? You receive him and you trust him. Be careful, for he will create problems for you.’ Yes, but I know what I am doing, and it is they who do not know. I know that by acting in this way I can awaken this person’s desire to improve. If he does not improve, too bad! I use this pedagogical method consciously, and I know the risks I am taking. It is a shame, of course, if nothing good comes of it, but I am neither upset nor discouraged."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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