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Divine heritage : rejoice in the thought of receiving it one day
"Why do people always dwell on what they lack and so rarely on what they have? Everywhere they parade their petty cares and woes: ‘I ache here… I don’t have this or that…’ Why don’t they say to themselves each day: ‘I have arms, legs, a mouth, eyes and ears. The Lord has put all the riches of heaven and earth at my disposal.’ Every day you must remember that you are a son or daughter of God and that you can rediscover yourself as you were in the far distant past when you emanated from the bosom of the Eternal. You fell from this state when, like the prodigal son in the parable, you sought life far from the paternal home. But now you are able to return. This return to the Father, this ‘reintegration of humanity’, occurs when we once again become masters of ourselves and of the forces of nature, when at last we regain our dignity as heirs of our heavenly Father. Why then do people always dwell on the little things they lack?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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