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Disinterestedness : gives us access to eternal life
"In order to be in good health, our physical body obeys a law: all the organs – the stomach, heart, lungs and so on – must work together, selflessly, for the good of the whole person. How can people fail to see that it is because of this disinterestedness that human beings are alive and healthy? The conclusion to be drawn is that we receive a thousand times more by disinterestedness than by egotism. The egotist imagines that by thinking of his own selfish interests he is in fact going to win. No, he only makes himself sick. Human beings are always trying to take advantage of their neighbour by dominating him or getting rid of him, and they are even proud of their attitude. This proves that they have not understood the lesson of the organism. Every day their own body shows them that with this attitude everything will in fact collapse, because they are introducing within themselves the seeds of destruction. You will say: ‘Yes, but by engaging in self-denial and sacrifice we will die.’ No, on the contrary, it is then that you establish health, harmony, resurrection and eternal life within you. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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